The factory has adhered to the principle of combination of aesthetics, functions and life since its foundation. It has imported advanced production equipment from abroad and is conscientious about every detail of every procedure in production to assure the quality of the products. It is the company pursuit as always to manufacture high-quality and reputation-earning products, and we always aim at the endless surpassing and non-stopping progress. With the designing theme of human engineering, artistic decoration and choice of fine raw materials and imported grazes, laying stress on environmental protection and water saving functions, we have developed and manufactured batches and batches of high-quality products with modern features .Outer appearance and color are the two musts in modern design. So we try hard with colors to create a pleasing and comfortable effect to our visual and touching senses and add the most harmonious and refreshing feelings to your busy life.
The company insists to the operation policy of keeping high quality, creating famous brand, striving hand by hand and achieving brighter future together. We are expecting to cooperate with the clients and merchants both at home and abroad so as to achieve the grandiose mission of co-wealth, co-development and co-prosperity.
所在地:四川省自贡市经营范围:彩色地坪压模地坪系列、彩色混凝土压印、彩色透水混凝土、彩色压 所在地:广东省佛山市经营范围:建筑陶瓷制品销售;轻质建筑材料销售;建筑材料销售;石灰和石膏 所在地:广东省广州市经营范围:主要服务行业:制造业、水处理、印刷、邮电、交通、能源、电梯、 所在地:江苏省徐州市经营范围:玻璃制品、瓶盖、马口铁、纸箱、陶瓷制品、编织品、木制品、服饰 所在地:北京市经营范围:一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、 所在地:山东省德州市经营范围:建筑材料、五金交电、电线电缆、机电设备、通讯器材、仪器仪表、 所在地:浙江省宁波市经营范围:石棉水泥制品;建筑陶瓷制品;仿石材PC砖;仿石混凝土透水砖; 所在地:山东省青岛市经营范围:木材、 石料、砖、瓦、砂、水泥产品、石灰、石膏、 建筑陶瓷、 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:一般项目:风机、风扇销售;减振降噪设备销售;气体、液体分离及 所在地:北京市经营范围:经营范围包括建筑建材、铝型材、陶瓷制品、电线电缆、机电设备、 所在地:辽宁省沈阳市经营范围:房车销售、租赁、维修;汽车美容服务;婚庆、礼仪服务;房车营地 所在地:经营范围:销售:工艺品(象牙及其制品除外)、陶瓷制品、皮革制品、针纺织 所在地:广东省深圳市经营范围:一般经营项目是:计算机软硬件开发及技术咨询、技术服务,从事广 所在地:山东省济南市经营范围:批发、零售:化妆品、工艺品(不含象牙及其制品)、日用品、服装 所在地:经营范围:汽车装饰用品,汽车零配件,办公用品,日用百货,服装服饰,鞋帽 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:橡胶制品、日用百货、医疗器械、陶瓷制品、纸及纸制品、水暖器材 所在地:福建省泉州市经营范围:其他未列明技术推广服务;搪瓷卫生洁具制造;卫生陶瓷制品制造; 所在地:广东省广州市经营范围: 乘用车 其他建筑陶瓷 抛光砖 马赛克 墙面砖 防滑砖